2017年平均每月社会保障金为1350美元. 你知道这对你的退休生活来说是不够的.

你需要其他的资金来源. 以下是如何创建一个可行的储蓄计划来积累财富.


Financial advisers often say that you have to spend less than you earn to have an effective savings program. 这种方法把重点放在了错误的地方. The key to beginning an effective savings program is actually to earn more than you spend. Changing the order of that statement recognizes that most of us have a great deal of control over both sides of the saving equation.

You, as a REALTOR®, have several advantages for increasing the income side of the savings equation:

  • 不设收益上限. 从事受薪职业的人每月挣X美元. 而一个表现出色的人将来可能会得到加薪, 本月的额外业绩不会带来本月的更多收入. 另一方面, outstanding professionalism and effective work habits by REALTORS® have an immediate payoff.
  • 努力没有上限. 一个有薪水的职业是基于每周工作40小时. 自愿加班并不会带来额外的报酬. 按小时计酬的职业可能会加班以获得更高的报酬, 但只有在雇主要求的情况下. REALTORS®, however, can choose to put in extra time generating leads that result in extra earnings. 也, putting in time and effort to earn professional designations is a proven way for REALTORS® to elevate their earnings potential.
  • 时间安排的灵活性. 你制定自己的时间表,朝九晚五很少适用. 这种灵活性可以让你在客户服务方面工作更长时间, but it also provides the opportunity to expand your earnings through other avenues. 例如,你可以学习和从事2021十大正规彩票app投资. 或者你可以做第二份工作. In short, you have the flexibility to use your creativity and schedule for earning more.
  • 没有年龄限制. 有些职业让人在60岁、62岁或65岁时“老去”. 例如, airline pilots and partners in major accounting firms know that they have an age-related deadline on their careers. Many REALTORS® remain active and earning well past those arbitrary retirement ages.

You also have some disadvantages on the income side of the savings equation:

  • 作为一个独立的承包商,你要对这15个项目负责.3% F.I.C.A. (社会保险)对劳动收入的收费. Salaried or hourly employees share these charges equally with their employer, 所以他们赚的每一美元值7.多出5%.
  • As independent contractors, you receive no employee benefits, such as vacation time or sick leave. 你必须挣到足够的钱来弥补从生产性工作中休息的时间. 当然, 你没有雇主支付的医疗保险, 对于受薪雇员来说,什么都不是,只是不应纳税的额外收入.
  • You must pay dues and fees to the government and other organizations that enable you to perform your duties as a REALTOR®. 这些会费和费用的好处是很多的, 但我们的收入要到这些费用支付后才算开始.


你有可预测的经常性开支, 比如抵押贷款, 汽车付款, 电话账单, 保险, 公用事业公司, 食物, 衣服, 国税局估计付款, 慈善承诺, 信用卡债务. All of these are examples of “in and out” expenses—income already committed before it is received.

每一项费用, 除了国税局, 在某种程度上在你的控制之下吗. 你需要每三年换一辆新车吗? 那辆用了五年的车的保险费用不会更低吗? 新iPhone是必需品还是用来给同事留下深刻印象的玩具? 如果你穿更贵的衣服,你会卖出更多的2021十大正规彩票app吗?

有些费用是可以预见的,但却是偶然的, 比如假期, 2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®费, 每年的财产税.

仔细检查这些费用, 因为如果你连进出的费用都付不起, 你不应该休假. If you’re not planning for the annual property tax bill, you’re setting up an avoidable crisis.

These foreseeable special-purpose expenses must be covered by increasing income, 削减开支, 或两个.

为你所有的开支设立储蓄“桶”. 设想你的收入被分成不同的部分. 到目前为止, you’ve set up a bucket for recurring monthly expenses and a bucket for special purpose expenses. The alternative to setting up buckets to plan for these foreseeable items is to borrow on the credit card. This choice is easy but disastrous because it undermines your financial foundation. 如果你借了3美元,000 using standard credit card terms and repay it through minimum monthly payments, 这需要6年时间,花费超过5美元,000! 3美元的快乐,过去的六年里,我们全家一起度假, 它的价值几乎是你“支付”的两倍?


最后一组要考虑的开支是紧急情况. 汽车大修, 暖通空调故障, 医疗程序, 自然灾害, and unexpected rental-property repairs or vacancies are examples that fall into this category.

Planning for these emergencies is another important step in establishing a sound financial foundation. After “in and out” expenses are met and special-purpose buckets are set up for foreseeable expenses, 重要的是建立和资助一个应急基金. 多少才够? 数额各不相同, just as choosing what items are going to be in your “in and out” expenses and foreseeable expenses varies from person to person. The dollar amount that gives you the comfort that life’s unforeseen calamities are covered is a personal choice.

大多数理财规划师2021十大正规彩票app三到六个月的开支, 但这是一个没有意义的简单指导方针, 例如, 你有五个孩子或有残疾配偶.

你的基础已经建立. 现在?


任何数量都比没有好. 把钱存起来用于投资不会很快发生. 从你能负担得起的开始,随着资金的增加而调整.

  • 自动转账. 如果你为你的桶设立不同的账户, 定期使用自动转账将资金转移到适当的地方. These transfers make it less likely you’ll deviate from the plan “just this once.”
  • 重新审视你的计划. The allocations that work for you today may not be appropriate in three years. 定期确保你的储蓄与你的财务状况相符.


为所有的日常开支做计划是一项伟大的成就, 保证有足够的收入来支付他们, 预留一些钱用于可预见的开支, 准备一个应急桶,以应对生活中的突发事件.

但一旦这些任务都完成了,接下来呢? 现在是时候开始投资了.

现在基础已经奠定,是时候开始建设了. 建设只伴随着投资和风险.

Consider this: At today’s rates, $1,000 placed safely in a bank CD takes 72 years to double.

The same $1,000 invested at a 7% compounded return doubles to $2,000 in 10 years. 然后这2000美元在10年内又翻了一番. 然后那4美元,30年后又翻了一倍, 你有8美元,000, 而CD保存器只有不到1美元,在他的帐上存了200英镑.

投资选择很多,需要仔细考虑. 一旦你做足了功课,你在投资领域就会有很多优势.

  • The nature of the real estate business exposes you to risk—it is not a foreign concept.
  • 在完成cma课程时,你每天都会接触到金融概念, 分析贷款摊销方案, 还有其他任务.
  • 2021十大正规彩票app本身就是一个很好的投资机会, 你肯定比大多数人更了解这个主题.

所以总结如下:赚的比花的多. 尽量减少经常性开支. 为可预见的特殊需要做计划. 避免债务——尤其是信用卡债务. 为不可预见的紧急情况做好准备. 一旦财务基础建立起来,就开始投资.
