This is the fourth in a series of profiles of the multicultural allied real estate associations in Texas.


成立: 2020

使命: Advocate for fair housing for all and promote LGBTQ+ homeownership; elevate professionalism in the industry through education and networking; celebrate diversity and inclusion in members and allied partners.

专注: 提升会员的职业生涯, 为消费者提供适当的资源,协助他们购买, 销售, 享受他们的家.

地方分会: 奥斯汀、达拉斯/沃斯堡、圣安东尼奥和休斯顿


全国同性恋协会 & 女同性恋2021十大正规彩票app专业人士

成立: 2007

使命: To raise awareness and educate the public on behalf of the rights of the lesbian, 同性恋, 双性恋, and 变性人 community as it related to housing and discrimination laws.

专注: Increasing LGBT homeownership rates; sharing referral network of real estate professionals; advocating for LGBTQ rights; raising awareness through education and events; legislative advocacy

地方分会: 奥斯汀和圣安东尼奥


女同性恋, 同性恋, 双性恋, 变性人, and queer (LGBTQ) community faces housing discrimination as homebuyers and sellers, 以及作为2021十大正规彩票app从业者的专业挑战. 根据房地美2018年的一份报告, the LGBTQ homeownership rate was 49%—significantly lower than the 64% overall U.S. 一般人口住房拥有率.

The LGBTQ+2021十大正规彩票app联盟 and the 全国同性恋协会 & 女同性恋2021十大正规彩票app专业人士 (NAGLREP) work to increase LGBTQ homeownership and advocate for fair housing rights. Both groups welcome all real estate professionals and seek allies outside of LGBTQ社区.

The LGBTQ+2021十大正规彩票app联盟 wants to eliminate real estate discrimination of, 并强调包容的机会, LGBTQ社区. 倡导领域包括老年LGBTQ人口面临的问题, 青年无家可归, 以及LGBTQ社区中服务不足的群体.

联盟成立于2020年,目前正在组织建设中. 它希望到今年年中在全国范围内的分会从50个增加到70个. The Texas chapters launched in November, says Dallas-Fort Worth Chapter chairman Bob McCranie.

The Alliance is partnering with REALTOR® groups, nonprofits, and sponsors. “我们不会排除盟友,”他说. “我也是许多其他多元化团体的成员. 我认为支持这些组织是很重要的.” It plans to host a policy summit in April and a conference in the fall.

The Alliance is developing a CE course on the challenges the LGBTQ+ community faces, 克服无意识偏见, 以及住房歧视的影响. 它还计划出版一份 LGBTQ+首次购房者指南 今年春天.

更一般的, the Alliance will promote the idea that inclusion and diversity are important goals to pursue, and that LGBTQ people should have a seat at the table in the real estate industry and the community at large.

“I would love to see more training for professionals and broker-managers to be more comfortable with serving and hiring LGBTQ people,他说. “那里有很多不欢迎我们的券商. 或者如果我们被允许进去,我们也要保持安静. 这不是包容. 那最多是宽容,而宽容不是一回事.”

NAGLREP was part of the effort to amend the NAR 道德守则 to prohibit REALTORS® from denying professional services to individuals based on sexual orientation or gender identity. The group has lobbied elected officials to put LGBTQ protections into law, 杰米·萨帕塔说, San Antonio Chapter founding president and the association’s first openly 变性人 leader.

“What a lot of people don’t know is the federal Fair Housing Act does not include protections for LGBTQ people, which means we can be denied housing or mortgage loans because of who we are,萨帕塔说. “The NAR 道德守则 does go above and beyond the Fair Housing Act, 所有REALTORS®均同意遵守该准则, 但这不是法律. It only applies to our industry, and it doesn’t apply to buyers and sellers.”


The 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人多元化委员会 supports activities that encourage diversity, 股本, 以及在成员参与和领导机会方面的包容.

该委员会通过教育与地方协会合作, 赞助, 以及沟通努力. 访问 texasrealestate /包容.

NAGLREP has hosted LGBT Housing Policy Summits and published an annual LGBT2021十大正规彩票app报告. The association’s chapters have taken part in networking and educational events, 例如与圣安东尼奥2021十大正规彩票app经纪人委员会®共进午餐和学习.

“LGBTQ消费者一直在寻找他们可以信任的代理商, 和他在一起,他们可以不加评判地做自己. Joining NAGLREP is one way that real estate professionals can support equal access to the American dream of homeownership for all people,她说。.

The homebuying and 销售 process can be anxiety-provoking for LGBTQ consumers, Zapata explains. LGBTQ clients have told her they had been turned away at open houses and made to feel unwelcome in neighborhoods.

“我们不是在要求特殊待遇. 我们要求平等对待,”她说.