
如果你认为自己在2021十大正规彩票app行业度过了疯狂的一两年,那就和德克萨斯州的建筑商聊聊. “The past two years have been the best years we’ve ever had,” says Gene Lantrip, president of the Texas Association of Builders.

While builders have never been busier, 在努力满足异常的2021十大正规彩票app市场需求时,他们也面临着独特的挑战. “This is uncharted territory. I’ve been doing this for 30 years. We’ve never had issues like we’re having right now. 它涉及方方面面:供应问题、价格问题、劳动力问题、价格上涨. It’s everything hitting all at once.”

Lantrip描述了建筑商面临的主要问题,以及代理商和建筑商如何合作. “我们无法控制供应,也无法控制建造房屋所需的时间. 我们正在告诉代理商,我们正在尽可能快地实现这一目标。.

Parts and Labor

由于供应链问题,建筑商很难找到材料, according to Lantrip. “Our windows used to take two weeks to arrive; now we’re at six or seven weeks. 有一段时间,买家电很困难,但他们已经解决了这个问题. 我们很难弄到断路器和房子的电表箱. Every week something different crops up on shortages, 我们的分包商必须跳出常规思维来获得这些项目.”

Rising lumber prices continue to be an issue. 而德克萨斯州的大部分木材来自东德克萨斯州和路易斯安那州, tariffs on Canadian lumber affect the entire industry, Lantrip说.

一种用于屋顶的木板的价格从18个月前的约5美元跃升至56美元一片的高点. Now it’s closer to $29. Lantrip说 his Abilene-based firm, Lantrip’s Custom Homes, 因为他们不知道木材要花多少钱,所以不能再为规格房屋设定固定价格了. 价格的变化甚至使他建造的一些房子出现了亏损.

他说,劳工问题对承包商和分包商来说也是一个挑战. 一名电工在18名工作人员中可能只有10人出勤. Entry-level laborers say they can find better jobs elsewhere. 兰特里普指出,该州只有这么多分包商可以雇佣. 分包商的成本增加会提高承包商的价格, which in turn raise prices for homebuyers.

Keeping up with demand is a blessing and a curse. “We get three or four calls a day wanting custom homes done. 我们说你的房子要三四周才能开工. The caller calls the next builder, and he says the same thing. Every one of us is taxed to the limit.”

Building Cooperation

Lantrip说,在2021十大正规彩票app经纪人和建筑商之间保持良好的沟通是至关重要的. 他告诉建筑商要让代理商了解延迟是如何发生的,以及为什么会发生. He asks agents and homebuyers to be patient. 这个人说:“建筑商想按时把房子盖好,因为他只有在房子盖好、关好之后才能拿到钱. We are doing the best we can with what we have to work with.”

他邀请代理人参加德州建筑商协会(Texas Association of Builders)用于新住宅建设的合同课程, which is different than TREC’S New Home Contract (Incomplete Construction) (TXR 1603, TREC 23-17) and New Home Contract (Completed Construction) (TXR 1604, TREC 24-17). 例如,TAB合同包含价格变化时的升级条款.

“这些条款以前不是建筑商必须使用的东西. 但由于疫情和供应链中断,材料价格从合同到房屋完工和关闭之间上涨了200%甚至300%, 不幸的是,它们现在是必要的,这样我们才能盖房子,还能赚一些钱,” Lantrip说.

Lantrip鼓励代理商和建筑商加入彼此的协会,参加彼此的会议. “Some may think that agents and builders don’t get along. Nothing could be further from the truth. Builders and REALTORS®, we’re in it together. We want the same thing. 我们想要经济适用房,我们想让这些房子及时建成. We want the customers happy.”