There is no simple recipe on how to become a successful real estate agent. It takes hard work, but it always starts with investing in yourself.

Taking stock of your character traits requires honesty and courage. 在2021十大正规彩票app行业, there are several traits that we see over and over again in our top selling agents.

这里列出的这些特征能描述你吗? 如果没有,是时候开始工作了.


真正的赢家往往是始终如一的赢家. They bring in the big numbers every month, every quarter, and every year, year after year. Great real estate agents don’t rest on their laurels after posting one great month. They continue doing whatever it was that contributed to that great month and they don’t stop. From appearances to attitudes to processes, consistency is crucial.


A persistent real estate agent learns from mistakes and gets back to work. They don’t use setbacks as a reason to throw in the towel. From following up on leads to editing scripts and finding a way to make clients happy, real estate agents need to demonstrate persistence in every aspect of their business.


Successful real estate agents know what they want. 他们朝着一系列可衡量的目标努力. 制定一个销售目标吧. 现在,设定一个更具侵略性的目标. 如果你的目标是延伸目标, you will likely end up somewhere between the sales goal and the stretch goal. Shooting for the moon and landing in the stars is not a bad place to be!


Many real estate agents believe they can become more effective by improving their closing skills. But truth is these agents end up turning off prospects by trying to prove how great they are. Instead, agents need to focus on the clients’ needs. 首先是active

  • 鼓励:“请告诉我更多关于……”
  • 澄清:“那是什么时候发生的…… ?”
  • Normalize: “I’ve had other clients who … ”
  • 感同身受:“我能理解……”
  • Solicit: “I would like to hear your thoughts on … ”
  • Validate: “I appreciate your willingness to … ”


Who are you going to thank at the winner’s podium? All medalists have supporters to thank, whether it’s a colleague, coach, or mentor. Not only do effective agents have a solid network of support, they know how to ask for help when they need it. They know that asking for a professional second opinion pays big dividends. Surround yourself with talented people and ask for help when you need it.