正如威尔·罗杰斯所说:“The worst thing that happens to you can be the best thing that happens for you if you don’t let it get the best of you.

Post-pandemic … where do we go from here?

What is the future of the real estate market? How should buyers plan for the future? When should property owners consider selling? What short-term changes in the business will remain as long-term approaches to business?

So many questions with unknown answers.

我们 do know is that buyers and sellers need advice from trusted professionals. Here are some thoughts to consider as you begin to navigate forward in the post-pandemic period:

  • Decide now that you will thrive.
  • Create and protect a powerful mindset of opportunity and action.
  • Become focused on showing gratitude.
  • Time-block your day, your week, your month, and your life. The people around you will appreciate you even more.
  • Get connected and stay connected with your sphere of influence.
  • Systemize your lead-generation efforts.
  • Improve your scripts and dialogues for lead conversion.
  • Set up checklists for follow-through.
  • Recruit talent and succeed through others.
  • 回馈. Find a place, a group, or an effort where you can make the world a better place.

正如威尔·罗杰斯所说:“The worst thing that happens to you can be the best thing that happens for you if you don’t let it get the best of you.

The COVID-19 pandemic changed our lives and businesses in ways we would have never imagined. Use the journey as a growth opportunity.
