德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® 杂志问:“你如何在你的2021十大正规彩票app业务中运用创造力/创新??成员们来信描述了他们如何对2021十大正规彩票app行业进行自己的解读.

Each was unafraid to challenge the way things are usually done. Their risks paid off with happier clients and more professional success. 当你阅读他们的故事时,问问自己:“我在自己的企业中可以在哪些方面进行创新?”


在桥城, Brandi Leatherwood is known as a unicorn, not because she is so unique—although she is—but because the B&L Realty Group Team Leader穿着充气独角兽服装去打烊.

“It started as a surprise for one client, then others started asking me to wear it, and it just became my brand,她说。. “Everyone thought it was funny and made closing day so much fun. Title companies love when I wear the suits; it breaks up the monotony of their days.”

莱瑟伍德说,有些经纪人因为她与众不同而认为她不专业. “But it’s made me successful in my career, so I wouldn’t change a thing. Do what makes you happy and be who you are! There are enough people out there who will love you even if others don’t.”


Kyle Davis emphasizes his wedding industry experience in his marketing. The Carrollton-based agent with Crawford and Company, 2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®, pitches himself as the agent for newlyweds, and he participates in bridal expos.

他表示:“这种方法让我在一个充满经验丰富的老手的行业中脱颖而出. “每次我向一家与婚礼相关的企业介绍自己时,反馈都很好.他遇到的人在听说他的品牌和商业模式之前,并不认为他可以利用他以前的工作经验.

While Davis specializes in newlyweds, 他一定要告诉每个人,他欢迎所有想要买卖房屋的潜在客户.

“Don’t be afraid to be different,” Davis advises. “当人们结婚时,很有可能有人在买或卖房子. I want to be who they think of first.”


为什么要冒险错过2021十大正规彩票app交易中的重要日期呢?电脑可以帮你追踪这些日期? 在过去的两年里, Brad Crumpecker开发了一个Excel工作簿,跟踪六个主要TREC合同和相关附录的日期和执行截止日期.

“I have built algorithms that emulate the language of the contracts,” says the Robinson Clay Team Lead for Keller Williams Dallas Midtown. “It creates a timeline for all the critical dates.”


Crumpecker补充道:“这让我们保持在正轨上,以确保没有任何事情从裂缝中溜走。. “If the agent on the other side misses something, we know it right away. 我们的客户很高兴看到合同的进展,以及事情如何随着每个里程碑而变化. I have demonstrated it to other agents and brokers. No one has seen anything like it.”

低库存? 没有问题

Back when interest rates were low and inventory was even lower, 辛迪·德拉加尔萨(Cindy de la Garza)为她的买家客户想出了一个成功的策略,她把重点放在已经上市至少两周的房产上. She could tell many of these properties were overpriced.

“I was then able to negotiate a fair sale price for my client, 谁没有陷入多重出价的情况,因此没有多付该物业,” says the Broker/Owner of DLG Realty Advisors in Dallas. “My clients were thrilled with my creative approach.”


“After negotiating back and forth, 双方意见一致,最终为你的客户签订合同,这总是件好事, 最重要的是, 价格公道,她说。. “Always adapt to the current market by thinking outside the box.”

Memorable Customer Service

大约两年前,比尔和盖伊·佩纳克在科尔维尔成立了佩纳克集团2021十大正规彩票app公司, they promised to be present at every property showing. “客户们喜欢这个想法,他们在挂牌出售自己的房产时感到更有安全感,比尔·佩纳克说.

他们遭到了很多其他中介的反对,他们希望按照他们的条件看房, as well as their own agents, who thought there wasn’t enough time for that kind of commitment. 佩纳克理解这些担忧,但他的公司很少无法满足客户的要求. 他说:“这可能并不适用于所有人,但它肯定对我们有效。.

佩纳克说,亲临现场可以让他突出家里的特色,并迅速回答问题. He also finds this to be an opportunity to network with local agents. “Our sales results speak for themselves, 我们从客户那里得到的推荐数量充分说明了我们不同的经营方式,他补充道.


乔吉特·比斯特尼·亚当喜欢把自己的天赋带到买卖2021十大正规彩票app的过程中. 同时,她也经常运用自己在商业和市场营销硕士学位中所学到的知识, she also relies on her creativity to design closing presents for clients.

这位总部位于圣安东尼奥的中央地铁2021十大正规彩票app公司(Central Metro Realty)的经纪人曾经送给她的买家客户一块石头,上面刻着他们新家的形象. She drew the picture and sent it to an engraver. “They loved it,” Bisteni Adam says. “It is something they will keep forever.” The engraving matched the clients’ farm style decor. It was a time-consuming project, but well worth the effort, she says.

“我们都有天赋. 我们只需要利用它们来更好地服务我们的客户和顾客。. “结合2021十大正规彩票app专业人士和艺术家的天赋,我们的生活变得更有意义、更快乐.”