The Environmental Protection Agency’s 2008 Lead-Based Paint Renovation, 修复, and Painting (RRP) Rule requires specific training and certification when performing certain work with pre-1978 housing and child-occupied facilities. The rule applies to all housing built before 1978 and all non-housing child-occupied facilities built before 1978, 比如日托和学校.

Does Your 物业管理 Company Need Certification?

If your property management company performs any activity that disturbs paint in pre-1978 housing and child-occupied facilities, it is performing a regulated renovation requiring certification, 包括改造和维修/保养, 电气工程, 管道, 画准备, 木工, 更换窗户. 这部分规则没有改变.

However, the EPA broadened the rule to also require certification for these administrative actions:

    • 征求和评估承包商投标
    • 酌情申请许可证
    • 允许承包商进入物业
    • 监督承包商在物业上的工作
    • 通知租户装修活动
    • 验证改造活动的完成情况
    • 向承包商汇款.


If your company engages in any of the regulated renovation or demolition work that disturbs paint in pre-1978 housing and child-occupied facilities, your property management company employees handling the r环境保护署irs will need to obtain individual certification as certified renovators in addition to firm certification.

Even if your company is subcontracting the renovation work that disturbs paint in pre-1978 housing and child-occupied facilities to other firms, your firm needs to complete the firm certification and have at least one employee on staff who is a certified renovator. The certified renovator is still responsible for ensuring the renovating firm that is selected for the renovations handles the renovations according to the EPA requirements. To become a certified firm, submit a short application and fee of $300 to the EPA. The firm certifications are good for five years. 去 环境保护署.gov /领导/ getcertified 并点击 马上申请 开始吧. First search for your firm to make sure it doesn’t have a current or pending certification. Then you can begin an application to certify a new firm using the link provided at the bottom of the Results page.

You or your employees can complete the renovator certification by taking a one-day course in addition to the firm certification. The certified renovators are responsible for on-the-job training of individuals who will participate in the renovations. Such training must be documented, and the documents must be retained. Find an RRP training class or provider in your area at


The National Lead Information Center provides a hotline for more information on becoming certified 8 a.m. 到下午6点.m. Eastern Monday through Friday at 800-424-5323.

Penalties for a failure to maintain required documents can reach $40,每次违规576元, per day and “knowing violations” can result in criminal penalties of up to $50,每天违例1万美元, 或者一年以下有期徒刑, 或两个, 附加于或代替民事处罚.