What New 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® Can Learn from Experienced 成员

During the 2018 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® Winter Meeting, we asked attendees to share their advice for new 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® getting started in the industry. Here’s what experienced members had to say.

Calculate the cost of doing business.Your license is the first investment and not the last. Figure out how much money it will cost to run your business for the first year, but don’t stop there. Try to project costs into year two and beyond.

找到合适的经纪人. Choosing the right broker can help set you on the right path. Find your brokerage not just on numbers but in heart as well. Find a brokerage where you feel you can ask questions, 得到援助, 得到培训, and learn how to set your goals.

了解你的受托责任. Your fiduciary duty is to your client … you should look after his or her best interests. A fiduciary relationship is created when a real estate license holder provides agency services to a party, or a party thinks agency services are being provided.

Get involved in the association. Belonging to a professional organization keeps you informed of the opportunities and challenges in the industry and helps you better serve your clients.

永远不要停止学习. 生意总是在变化, whether it’s new requirements from TREC or new technology to better serve our clients. Stay on top of your education to maintain your relevancy.