You may have noticed a recent uptick in CBD products being sold in Texas. 这是因为6月10日生效的一项州法律允许销售和拥有含有少于0的CBD产品.3% of THC, the psychoactive part of the cannabis plant.

既然CBD产品是合法的,房东可以禁止他们进入自己的房产吗? 答案是肯定的,就像房东可以禁酒一样. As the owner, the landlord has the right to exclude activities, products, or even certain animals from his property.

The one caveat to this right is the Fair Housing Act. 如果租户有残疾,需要使用合法的CBD产品, 那么,房东将被要求作出合理的让步,除非他能证明所要求的让步是过度的负担, a fundamental alteration of the landlord’s typical business practices, 或者所要求的住宿对其他租户构成健康或安全风险或对财产造成重大损害.

When making the decision to deny reasonable accommodation requests, 房东应该寻求律师的2021十大正规彩票app,以了解相关的风险,并做出明智的决定.